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Start up package


Initial purchase Upto Rs.4999/= calculated as "Start up" package.



When the purchase amount crosses Rs.4999/= calculated as repurchase.

Level Income

Level Name ID. No. Sponsored By Package Distribution
0 Mr.A 12345 Root 4999/ 2%
1 Mr. B 12346 12345 4999/ .5%
2 Mr. C 12347 12346 4999/ .5%
3 Mr. D 12348 12347 4999/ .5%
4 Mr. E 12349 12348 4999/ .5%
5 Mr. F 12350 12349 4999/ .5%
6 Mr. G 12351 12350 4999/ .5%
7 Mr. H 12352 12351 4999/ .5%
8 Mr. I 12353 12352 4999/ .5%
9 Mr. J 12354 12353 4999/ 3%
10 Mr. K 12355 12354 4999/  
  Total 9%

Terms And Condition

  • Indian Citizens can do this Direct Selling business with in India.
  • Direct Selling Entity means "999 Dot Com" here in after called as ' Entity'. Direct Seller means, a person Authorised by 'Entity', directly or indirectly as a 'Direct Sellar' called Direct Seller. Here in after mention as 'DS'.
  • Our Entity is not comes under 'Money Circulation Scheme'
  • As per new Rule & Act, every ' should fulfill the necessory requirements asked by the Government Authority.
  • Registration is free. No any cost.
  • ID. Card will be issued to the 'DS', after succesful completion of first purchase.
  • KYC. is must for withdrawel of income.
  • PAN card is must.
  • Without ID card , 'DS' should not enter any of there prospect's premises at any time.
  • Buy back guaranty is exercised with in a period of 30 days from the date of distribution of goods or services.
  • There is no limit for selling of package, but commissions will receive from your downline 10 levels only.
  • Sales and income details is disclosed to 'DS'.
  • No fixed income is declared by the 'Entity'
  • 'DS' income is purely depends upon their sale of goods or services only.
  • Income details & commission structure is available in website.
  • Withdrawels by the 'DS' is allowed once in a week, that is on Monday , after 4 pm. Minimum withdrawel amount is Rs.1000/= (One thousand only).
  • 5% TDS deduction and 5% Admin Charges will be deducted from 'DS' withdrawel amount.
  • Your connection and details in this site is 'SECURE'.
  • All disputes or claims, arising out of this agreement or service or prices, the decision of "999 Dot Com" will be final and binding. Subject to Chennai Jurisdiction only.


I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the "999 Dot Com". I agree and bind by the same to follow the procedures and do the business as 'Direct Sellar'.